Beberapa waktu terakhir ini muncul banyak “Antivirus Palsu” yang bisa berbahaya jika terinstall di komputer. Jika kita sedang browsing dan tiba-tiba muncul pesan untuk menginstall program atau antvirus tertentu atau pesan bahwa komputer kita terinfeksi virus, trojan, spyware dan sejenisnya, maka harus berhati-hati, bisa-bisa komputer kita di install antivirus palsu.
Untuk pengecekan komputer anda tentang adanya program Antivirus 2009, gunakan SpyHunter Spyware Detection Tool.
Mengapa Antivirus palsu ? karena melihat tampilan dan proses kerjanya, kita akan yakin bahwa program ini benar-benar antivirus atau anti spyware, malware dan sejenisnya dan hampir tidak tampak bahwa program ini menyimpan maksud tertentu diluar tampilannya yang terkesan antivirus.
Dalam dunia Virus-Antivirus (security), program ini masuk dalam kategori Rogue Security Program, yaitu software yang mengaku men-scan/mendeteksi malware (virus, trojan, worm, spyware dan sejenisnya) atau berbagai masalah lain di komputer, tetapi pada dasarnya berusaha menipu atau mendesak penggunanya untuk membeli program tersebut dengan cara menganggu, menampilkan pesan yang tidak benar tentang kondisi komputer, menampilkan hasil scan yang tidak benar dan sejenisnya. Terkadang aplikasi ini ter install tanpa sepengetahuan pengguna atau tanpa ijin. Meski sebagian mungkin hanya menampilkan pesan agar membeli program tersebut, tetapi sebagian lainnya mempunyai tingkat bahaya yang cukup tinggi, seperti membuka celah keamanan komputer, menganggu koneksi jaringan, modifikasi file sistem, mengumpulkan informasi pribadi, menggunakan banyak resources CPU/Memory komputer dan sebagainya. Jika di komputer terdapat salah satu program diatas atau antivirus yang belum dikenal (asing / belum terpercaya), maka sebaiknya program tersebut di uninstall. Berbagai informasi tentang software sejenis juga dapat ditemukan di alamat
Adapun salah satu yang Rogue Spyware yang baru aja aku temukan adalah ANTIVIRUS 2009 ( )Antivirus 2009
Artikel ini berasal dari Wiki-Security, the free encyclopedia of computer security
SpyHunter spyware detection tool is only a scanner meant to assist you in detecting Antivirus 2009 and other threats. If you detect the presence of Antivirus 2009 on your PC, you have the opportunity to purchase the SpyHunter removal tool to remove any traces of Antivirus 2009.
Detection of Antivirus 2009 (Recommended)
Antivirus 2009 is difficult to detect and remove. Antivirus 2009 is not likely to be removed through a convenient “uninstall” feature. Antivirus 2009, as well as other spyware, can re-install itself even after it appears to have been removed.
You also run the risk of damaging your computer since you’re required to find and delete sensitive files in your system such as DLL files and registry keys. It is recommended you use a good spyware remover to remove Antivirus 2009 and other spyware, adware, trojans and viruses on your computer.
Run a Antivirus 2009 scan/check to successfully detect all Antivirus 2009 files with the SpyHunter Spyware Detection Tool. If you wish to remove Antivirus 2009, you can either purchase the SpyHunter spyware removal tool to remove Antivirus 2009 or follow the Antivirus 2009 manual removal method provided in the “Remedies and Prevention” section.
Method of Infection
There are many ways your computer could get infected with Antivirus 2009. Antivirus 2009 can come bundled with shareware or other downloadable software.
Another method of distributing Antivirus 2009 involves tricking you by displaying deceptive pop-up ads that may appear as regular Windows notifications with links which look like buttons reading Yes and No. No matter which “button” that you click on, a download starts, installing Antivirus 2009 on your system. Antivirus 2009 installs on your computer through a trojan and may infect your system without your knowledge or consent.
If you think you may already be infected with Antivirus 2009, use this SpyHunter Spyware dectection tool to detect Antivirus 2009 and other common Spyware infections. After detection of Antivirus 2009, the next advised step is to remove Antivirus 2009 with the purchase of the SpyHunter Spyware removal tool.
Antivirus 2009 may attempt to change your computer’s desktop, hijack your browser, monitor your Internet browsing activities, change system files, and can do this without your knowledge or permission. Therefore, it is strongly recommended to remove all traces of Antivirus 2009 from your computer.
Remedies and Prevention
Antivirus 2009, as well as other Spyware, are constantly evolving and becoming more advanced to avoid detection. Antivirus 2009 along with its variants can install in different locations and even when you try to uninstall it you find they reappear when you reboot your computer.
Install a good anti-spyware software
When there’s a large number of traces of Spyware, for example Antivirus 2009, that have infected a computer, the only remedy may be to automatically run a Spyware scan from a good anti-spyware software designed to detect Antivirus 2009 and other types of spyware.
Remove Antivirus 2009 manually
Another method to remove Antivirus 2009 is to manually delete Antivirus 2009 files in your system. Detect and remove the following Antivirus 2009 files:
- av2009.exe
- Antivirus2009.exe
- AV2009Install.exe
- av2009[1].exe
- AV2009Install_880405[1].exe
- AV2009Install_880405[2].exe
- c:\Program Files\Antivirus 2009\av2009.exe
- c:\WINDOWS\system32\ieupdates.exe
- Power-Antivirus-2009.exe
- AV2009Install[1].exe
- ieexplorer32.exe
- c:\WINDOWS\system32\winsrc.dll
- %UserProfile%\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\Content.IE5\S96PZM7V\winsrc[1].dll
Other Files
- %ProgramFiles%\Antivirus 2009
- Antivirus 2009.lnk
- Uninstall Antivirus 2009.lnk
- c:\Program Files\Antivirus 2009
- c:\WINDOWS\system32\scui.cpl
- %UserProfile%\Desktop\Antivirus 2009.lnk
- %UserProfile%\Application Data\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Quick Launch\Antivirus 2009.lnk
- %UserProfile%\Start Menu\Antivirus 2009
- %UserProfile%\Start Menu\Antivirus 2009\Uninstall Antivirus 2009.lnk
- %UserProfile%\Start Menu\Antivirus 2009\Antivirus 2009.lnk
- %UserProfile%\Start Menu\Antivirus 2009
- %ProgramFiles%\Power-Antivirus-2009
- %ProgramFiles%\AV9
- ieexplorer32.exe-removed_skip
Registry Keys
- Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\MenuOrder\Start Menu2\Programs\Antivirus 2009
- HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\75319611769193918898704537500611
- HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run “ieupdate”
- HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run “75319611769193918898704537500611″
- HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Browser Helper Objects\{037C7B8A-151A-49E6-BAED-CC05FCB50328}